COVER FOCUS: Renewable Top Plants


Gerlos 1 Hydroelectric Power Plant, Ziller Valley, Austria

The operation of the first horizontal, six-nozzle Pelton turbine at the Gerlos 1 power plant is setting new benchmarks. The facility has demonstrated an efficiency level comparable to that of the vertical configuration through the world’s first horizontal turbine having more than three nozzles. The plant’s existing four vertical Pelton turbines were successfully replaced by one six-nozzle horizontal Pelton wheel.


Mount Olive Landfill Solar Project, New Jersey

This 25.6 MWdc project in Mount Olive, New Jersey is the largest landfill solar power project in North America. It turned a former Superfund site into a clean energy, revenue-generating asset. The project will contribute to New Jersey’s renewable mandate of 50% by 2030, while allowing the township to recoup $2.3 million in taxes.


Tyligulska Wind Power Plant, Ukraine

DTEK Renewables completed the construction of the first stage of the Tyligulska Wind Power Plant in March 2023. The project was a remarkable success completed under extremely difficult conditions. Although it seemed impossible at the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, DTEK added 114 MW to the Ukrainian energy system, strengthening the country’s energy security in spite of war and attacks on critical infrastructure.




Nuclear Refueling: How to Complete Outages Safely and Quickly

U.S. nuclear power plants typically refuel every 18 to 24 months, mostly in fall and spring when electricity demand is lower. Over the last few decades, the average duration of refueling outages has decreased quite significantly. For example, the average duration in 2021 was 27% shorter than the 44-day average in 2000. This article will explain best practices that have helped make that happen.


Growing Uses for Diesel and Gas Engine Power Generation Technology

Diesel and gas engines are nothing new, but that doesn’t mean technology and use cases haven’t been evolving. This article will look at the latest developments and how they’re changing the power generation landscape.


Hydrogen as a Carbon Emissions Reduction Tool

On May 11, 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed new carbon pollution standards for coal and gas-fired power plants. This article will explore how hydrogen co-firing could help power plants reduce emissions in an effort to meet the proposed standards.


Planning for Extremes: Preparing Your Plant for the Previously Unexpected

Extreme weather seems to be more common than ever. Whether it’s record high temperatures in the summer, punishing cold in the winter, drought, or flooding, all of these play havoc with the power grid and electric generators. Preparing for the previously unexpected has become a necessity. This article includes a utility case study focusing on what the company has done to minimize the impact of severe storms and wildfires.


How the Energy Transition Is Impacting the Transformer Market

There are several challenges associated with the rapid adoption of electric vehicles and renewables around the world. One of the major challenges is whether existing grid infrastructure is capable of dealing with these modern technologies. Additional capacity calls for modernization of the grid giving rise to the demand for upgraded grid equipment including transformers. This article will elaborate on how the energy transition is going to impact the transformers market globally.


Solving the Energy and Telecommunications Access Gap Together with Solar

Today, more Nigerians have access to telecommunications than have access to a reliable source of power. However, new telecommunications infrastructure could help partly close the energy access gap. Many new telecommunications towers are being powered by solar energy, which often generates excess power that can be offered to the community at a discounted rate.