204 results for:  cloud computing

Greenpeace Flies Under the Cloud

By Kennedy Maize Washington, April 2, 2010 -- Greenpeace doesn't like cloud computing. The out-on-the-edge environmental group also doesn't much care for Apple's upcoming IPad computer platform, which adds to…

Rare Earth and Lithium Supplies Cloud Renewables
Rare Earth and Lithium Supplies Cloud Renewables

Rare earths—some 17 elements (some scarce and some abundant) found in Earth’s crust by themselves or combined with other chemicals—may be a major hurdle in the renewable energy supply chain.…

The Power of Light: U.S. Solar Energy Trends
The Power of Light: U.S. Solar Energy Trends

For decades, the solar energy industry has struggled to become cost-competitive with other sources of power generation. Recent technology innovations and creative ways of installing solar generation are beginning to…

EPA CO2 poposal is anti-life and anti-science

By Kennedy Maize The Obama administration’s Environmental Protection Agency is declaring that carbon dioxide, a life-giving and ubiquitous atmospheric chemical, is a threat to public health. That’s a completely illogical…

Wireless Technology Unlocks Possibilities
Wireless Technology Unlocks Possibilities

Modern wireless systems improve productivity, monitoring activities, and safety at power plants by enabling the right people to be at the right place at the right time. Wireless technology can…