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POWER Magazine   Jobs   White Papers  Webinars   Events   Store   September 27, 2023
DOD Advances X-Energy Mobile Nuclear Microreactor as Second Project Pele Design
The Department of Defense (DOD) has moved to develop a second transportable microreactor under Project Pele, granting X-energy a contract option to advance the design of its mobile advanced nuclear…
Palisades Nuclear Power Plant May Get a Second Chance with Holtec-Wolverine Agreement
Holtec International, a diversified energy technology company, and Wolverine Power Cooperative, a not-for-profit power generation cooperative based in Michigan, announced that they have entered into a long-term agreement that will…
12 Nuclear Reactors Operating in Japan After Takahama Unit 2 Restart
Japan’s Kansai Electric Power has restarted another reactor at its Takahama nuclear power plant, the 12threactor to be returned to service in that country since the Fukushima disaster in March…
In Case You Missed It
Hydrogen Production, SMRs Touted for Virginia Data Center Hub
Two companies supporting different technologies in the energy sector have formed a joint venture to develop an industrial park in Virginia that could feature data centers powered by hydrogen gas…
Wyoming Energy Authority Makes Investment Toward Microreactor Deployment
BWX Technologies (BWXT) said it was awarded a “two-phase, two-year contract” with the Wyoming Energy Authority (WEA) to assess the viability of deploying small-scale nuclear reactors in the state to…
U.S. Air Force Selects Fast Microreactor for Nuclear Power Pilot
The U.S. Air Force’s first nuclear microreactor planned for Eielson Air Force Base in Alaska under a federal nuclear microreactor pilot program will be an Oklo liquid metal-cooled fast reactor.…
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The POWER Interview: Making the U.S. Nuclear Industry Great Again
There are many reasons to be optimistic about the prospects for nuclear energy. As a carbon-free energy source, it is a great option for power generation in a world trying…
Centrus, Oklo Set Out to Solidify HALEU Fuel Cycle, Trade Advanced Nuclear Power and Fuel
Centrus, a firm poised to demonstrate high-assay, low-enriched uranium (HALEU) production, will partner with microreactor technology developer Oklo on several pioneering steps to build out the HALEU front-end supply chain,…
Westinghouse Will Supply Nuclear Fuel for Russian-Designed Reactors in Slovakia
Westinghouse Electric Company signed a long-term agreement with Slovenské elektrárne to license and supply VVER-440 fuel assemblies to its nuclear power plants in Slovakia. Westinghouse said the agreement “supports Slovakia’s…
Federal Funding Bolsters Saskatchewan's First Proposed 300-MW Nuclear Project
Canada’s federal government has committed C$74 million ($55 million) to support SaskPower’s potential deployment of a 300-MW small modular reactor (SMR) in the mid-2030s. Federal agency Natural Resources Canada on…
Planning Is Key to Successful Nuclear Refueling Outages
U.S. nuclear power plants typically refuel every 18 to 24 months. Refueling outages normally occur in the spring and fall of the year when demand for electricity is at its lowest. The Energy Information
What We’re Watching
TETI 2.0: Understanding nuclear fuel behavior at the atomic level
The degradation of a nuclear fuel’s thermal conductivity is a challenge for efficient nuclear energy operations, but researchers are learning that this degradation can be mitigated by designing the chemistry and structure of the fuel. Fully realizing these mitigation strategies requires going beyond trial-and-error investigative approaches.
Learn more by clicking here.
Pu-238 shipment quantity 'opens the tap' for space missions
Last month, Oak Ridge National Laboratory hit a milestone not seen in more than three decades: shipping a production-quantity amount of plutonium-238. That’s important because NASA needs this high-power, long-lasting isotope for missions into deep space.
Learn more by clicking here.
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