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Thermal Coal—Now and Next
Thermal Coal—Now and Next

Joe Mease and Bryan Benoit, Grant Thornton LLP After serving as a primary source of electrical power generation for the last half-century, bankruptcies throughout the American coal mining industry in 2020 serve…

Concrete Better Than Cameras in Protecting Grid
Concrete Better Than Cameras in Protecting Grid

Some high-tech security features meant to protect U.S. power plants from physical attack may not be as effective as good old-fashioned fences and concrete, according to a Georgia Institute of…

New Damage Mechanism Identified in HRSG T-91
New Damage Mechanism Identified in HRSG T-91

For a decade or more, heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) users have heard that Grade-91 tubing (T-91) is susceptible to microstructure damage from improper heat treatment. Now, a new damage…

The Best Place to Sample HRSG Tubes
The Best Place to Sample HRSG Tubes

Finding the best place to sample heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) tubes isn’t as hard as finding a needle in a haystack (but it’s like that). Ask most HRSG users…